======== Settings ======== Required Settings ================= You must provide a value for these settings. RATED_REDIS ----------- Default: {} Redis config settings. This will be passed directly to create a redis.ConnectionPool instance. Optional Settings ================= USE_X_FORWARDED_FOR ------------------- Default: False Set to True to try to use the X-Forwarded-For header to determine client IP. Default Settings ================ RATED_DEFAULT_REALM ------------------- Default: 'default' The default realm to put rated views into. RATED_DEFAULT_DURATION ---------------------- Default: 60 * 60 Duration (in seconds) over wich requests are counted. Any request older than this is not counted toward rate limiting. RATED_DEFAULT_LIMIT ------------------- Default: 100 Limit of how many requests an individual client is permitted in the duration. RATED_RESPONSE_CODE ------------------- Default: 429 HTTP Status code to return when a request is rate limited. RATED_RESPONSE_MESSAGE ---------------------- Default: '' Content to include in response when a request is limited. RATED_DEFAULT_ALLOWED --------------------- Default: [] A list of IPs which are exempt from rate limiting. Optional settings ================= RATED_REALMS ------------ Default: {} A dict of config dicts for each realm.